Is Breast Reduction A Painful Procedure

Saggy breasts can adversely impact your self-esteem. Mastopexy or breast reduction is a popular treatment option to regain confidence and feel youthful. It is a surgical procedure to shape the new contours of the breasts. Just by hearing the word surgery, some people get anxious. If you are one of them and think that breast reduction in Egypt is going to be painful, then you need to read this post till the end.

1. Pain during the surgery: Breast reduction is a minimally invasive procedure. It is performed with the help of sedation, so you won’t feel any pain during the procedure.

2. Discomfort after the surgery: Mild soreness can be experienced after the surgery, but prescribed painkiller medication is enough to take care of that.

3. Stitches removal: The stitches are resolved on their own within 10 days after the surgery, you don’t have to worry about taking care of them.

4. Recovery period: The swelling and tenderness around the breast will last for up to 2 weeks.

5. Clothing: A supportive sports bra is required after the surgery. You need to wear it for up to 4 to 6 weeks.

6. Risk factor: Breast reduction should be done by an experienced surgeon otherwise the results can be asymmetrical.

Final words

Mastopexy is a safe and pain-free procedure for breast reduction, just make sure to go to an experienced surgeon. If interested, you can contact Prof Wilson, who has decades of experience in performing breast reduction in Egypt.


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